Chris Burdett's Gallery pages
More about Chris Burdett
I was born in essex and after a grammar school education I chose to read Architecture at University College London. By this time I had developed a great love of the sea and have spent the last 55 years cruising and racing ‘classic’ boats on it. Employment work of much variety kept the week ends apart allowing me to follow 2 passions sailing and painting
Some 10 years ago I reluctantly accepted that I was getting a bit “long in the tooth” to hang over the side of the dragon or sweat up the peak on a gaffer ( one handed of course) and I turned to my second passion painting marine subjects .As a self taught artists I am now lucky enough to be able to brush along full time delighting in painting all things maritime or urban. I simply paint what I see and strive to capture the light and atmosphere of the moment
A large proportion of my work is carried out ‘en plein air’ by the shore side, on or by the river, or the briny deep. This work is completed in pastel ,oil,or watercolour. Lately I have chosen to explore pastel work. Considered composition work is done in my studio.
I exhibit locally at exhibitions in Kent. I have also exhibited with The RSMA, ROI and Pastel Society. I am a member of the Wapping Group of Artists and a member of The Chelsea Art Society
I am a print maker. I often use my painting works as subjects for limited edition intaglio or relief prints.
I accept specific commissioned work.
My paintings and prints are for available. Please contact me and I can arrange supply if you would like to purchase one of them. Please use my contact email page to enquire.
Links to societies and organisations I exhibited with.
Royal Society of Marine Artists
TheWapping Group of Artists
The Chelsa Arts Society;
The Pastel Society