Chris Burdett's Gallery pages
Pastel Painting

Warned off river jobs as having "no future" the tug man eventually gave up his shore job for the family tradition working on the river. Ironically he found himself working on a tug skippered by his father, brought out of retirement, because he was one of the few who were skilled at handling big barges. Stern task master no doubt.

A different atmosphere on Sundays in central London. People wandering back from an event in Trafalgar Square A man in a hurry saying "Waterloo and step on it ". A bit less bustle that weekday.

The man on the bow sprit is doing his best .The fore deck crew are scrabbling with the sudden heap of sail cloth. The man at the back is nervous. They have to put it up later. Wet sails = a muddle

Cold bright east wind from the Thames estuary. Nice to see but tea and toast would be nicer.

Half way along the cliff a thoughtful soul has constructed a sheltered view point. Wave watching from there is beguiling. Such a lovely spot. Especially when you try to paint them . Before you know it the day has gone.

They go past every morning with the horses. I finally had a go at capturing the moment. They were long gone before I finished!

I sometimes ride the safety launch on dragon sailing days. When the wind goes they raft up and whistle for the wind.The boats are moved and rocked by passing motor boats but the crew all gossiping will quite automatically fend the adjacent boat off whilst finishing lunch.

London and Sunday. The centre areas have slightly less bustle.People amble about looking.An occasional soul grabs a cab somewhere in a hurry. Late for lunch I wonder.

Wild day at Portreath.I saw the horizon start to darken.I ran for the car. Then tried to capture the squall in the dry. Rain snow sleet and then bright sun . Nice and dry in the car!